A Career in Acting, Modelling, and Dancing!
From Zero Figure Salary to Hero Figure Salary
A topper from IIT is struggling to find a job, let alone a five-figure association! A B.Sc. pass-out trying her luck as a Zumba teacher for making her ends meet! A nursing graduate struggling to earn her daily bread by dabbling in fine arts! Is it some kind of joke that the current situation is cracking on our present-day education system or is it an alarm to wake our youth up to do something better with their lives by not becoming slaves to the slavementality deep-rooted in the education system today? Our youth today can definitely strive for name, fame, and money alongside by giving into their interests and by not succumbing to study pressure! Yes, they can go for a career in acting, modeling, and dancing; and win the hearts including their own! They have the right to choose what they like; they have the right to choose what they love; they have the right to choose what they want; they have the right to choose what they wish and they have the right to choose the riches! Five-figure monthly salary after slogging the entire month or a five-figure daily payout from a modeling assignment that is cool and interesting at the same time – the choice is yours!
Possessing a Skill is the True Foundation for Aatmanirbhar Bharat!
Let us look through the eyes of our very honorable Prime Minister, Shri Narendra Modi when he laid a special emphasis on skill development to make our very own India (Aatmanirbhar Bharat) by all means possible. He says that our priority and pinpoint focus should be on skill development as it is the very foundation of our national dream of becoming self-reliant. Being all proud Indians, we should share his vision and align all our energies towards making his dream come true by putting our bit. While the nation is celebrating the AzadiKaAmritMahotsav, there are abundant nationwide campaigns and opportunities underway truly propelling the ideation of skill development taking it to the next level where we, together, as a nation, no longer have to rely on others for anything! In this vein, when a TEENhas just completed his/her formal education, how to participate in this National Endeavor is a big question whilst not compromising on their childhood dreams of living a life full of glamour and luxury.One such ladder to success is the TEENINDIA Contest by ALEE Club! (Hey Teens, this grass will always be Green!)
The HERO in You Is Waiting to Be Explored!
By God’s grace, each one of us is uniquely capable and extremely talented in our ways. Some might be good at academics, and some might be brilliant in sports. Start your journey of being talented to becoming a proficient professional! You need a professional mentor to train your horses and pick up the pace to reach your goal destination of success.
Start With a Dream – Measure Your Opportunities – Do What You Love - Train Your Horses – Roar Like a King!